Department of English

Year File
2020-21 View
2021-22 View

The department of English is one of the prime departments of the college. It runs both the Undergraduate and Post-Graduate program in English. The Undergraduate Course started in the year 1961 with the inception of the college. It had the glorious legacy of eminent teachers of English like Late Prin. Barrister P. G. Patil,Late Prin Sumitbai Patil, Dr.. M.A. Shaikh and many more. One of our students Miss Rubina Mulla stood fourth in University Merit List in 2017.The progression of students to PG is remarkable. In the year 2018,the T Y B A students have Completed a Minor Research Project under Student research sensitization scheme of Shivaji University Kolhapur. The department received seed money of Rs.10,000/- for this project. The department publishes its wallpaper entitled the Winged World twice in a year. The library is rich in its collection of English reference books. The language laboratory is spacious and technologically advanced. Since June 2020, the college runs Master's Degree in English. Initial response for PG is very good.

The department has P. G. recognized teachers, permanent and visiting faculty. The department has experienced and research- oriented faculty. The research profile of the teachers is very good. The department has published 45 research papers in peer reviewed journals. Recently the Department of English is conducting one Training Programme on Spoken English for college teachers in which 40 senior college teachers from various colleges of our Santha have participated. The trainers are of national reputation. In 2019 the department has organized one webinar on Subaltern Studies:Theory and Practice. Nearly 1258 participants from all corners of India gave massive response.

Learning Outcomes for the English Major

After completing all of the classes (including independent studies, if any) that are required for the major in English, undergraduate students should be able to demonstrate good levels of achievement and comprehension in their:
- Knowledge of foundational texts of British and American literature
- Understanding of the historical and cultural range of literature written in English
- Understanding of the development of the English language as used in works of literature
- Understanding of strategies of textual interpretation appropriate to different literary genres
- Ability to conduct and use literary research, to the point of achieving:
* an overall thesis that pushes the argument beyond summary
* accurate and sufficient evidence presented in a scholarly manner
* proper disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research tools
* clear and appropriate writing for a research paper
- Ability to write clearly and effectively

To this end, English majors are asked to keep their papers (with instructor comments included) from the courses they take within the major. During their Senior Seminar (ENGL 496A) capstone classes, they will be asked to (a) put together a portfolio of the most indicative of these papers (or copies of them) to show their progress in the major, and (b) write a reflective essay about the degree to which they have been able to accomplish the above objectives given the educational opportunities offered to them by our Department.

Program(s): Undergraduate
Learning Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: Familiarity with terms, practices and theoretical foundations of the disciplines.
1.1 Students will analyze work(s) of literature in one or more interpretive contexts
or frameworks. 1.2 Students will use one or more theoretical approaches to literary interpretation.
1.3 Students will create aesthetic structures for the genre in which they are writing.
1.4 Students will demonstrate knowledge of the history of the book and of book publishing.
1.5 Students will demonstrate knowledge of the processes and terminology of publishing.

Goal 2: Development of the reading, analytical, and critical skills of the disciplines.
2.1 Students will analyze and interpret literature.
2.2 Students will use writing techniques constitutive of individual genres.
2.3 Students will edit, copyedit, and proofread manuscripts.

Goal 3: Ability to communicate correctly and effectively within and about the disciplines.
3.1 Students will write critically about literature, using textual evidence with proper
citation. 3.2 In research papers, students will use relevant scholarship.
3.3 Students will use language for aesthetic effect.
3.4 Students will prepare a comprehensive book marketing plan.
3.5 Students will create a comprehensive book plan.

English Department Learning Outcomes

Note: This list of learning objectives is derived from the more detailed list of objectives drafted by the English faculty in 2000. It is meant to summarize, but not replace, that list.

Humans are linguistic animals. Language is the most fundamental and pervasive tool we have for interpreting our world and communicating with others as we act in and attempt to transform that world. Whether they pursue an emphasis in literature or writing, English majors gain a deeper understanding of the resources of the written word. Both literature and writing courses help students explore how writers use the creative resources of language-in fiction, poetry, nonfiction prose, and drama-to explore the entire range of human experience. English courses help students build skills of analytical and interpretive argument; become careful and critical readers; practice writing-in a variety of genres-as a process of intellectual inquiry and creative expression; and ultimately to become more effective thinkers and communicators who are well-equipped for a variety of careers in our information-intensive society.

Specific learning outcomes for English courses include the following:

1. Reading: Students will become accomplished, active readers who appreciate ambiguity and complexity, and who can articulate their own interpretations with an awareness and curiosity for other perspectives.
2. Writing skills and process: Students will be able to write effectively for a variety of professional and social settings. They will practice writing as a process of motivated inquiry, engaging other writers’ ideas as they explore and develop their own. They will demonstrate an ability to revise for content and edit for grammatical and stylistic clarity. And they will develop an awareness of and confidence in their own voice as a writer.
3. Sense of Genre: Students will develop an appreciation of how the formal elements of language and genre shape meaning. They will recognize how writers can transgress or subvert generic expectations, as well as fulfill them. And they will develop a facility at writing in appropriate genres for a variety of purposes and audiences.
4. Culture and History: Students will gain a knowledge of the major traditions of literatures written in English, and an appreciation for the diversity of literary and social voices within–and sometimes marginalized by–those traditions. They will develop an ability to read texts in relation to their historical and cultural contexts, in order to gain a richer understanding of both text and context, and to become more aware of themselves as situated historically and culturally.
5. Critical Approaches: Students will develop the ability to read works of literary, rhetorical, and cultural criticism, and deploy ideas from these texts in their own reading and writing. They will express their own ideas as informed opinions that are in dialogue with a larger community of interpreters, and understand how their own approach compares to the variety of critical and theoretical approaches.
6. Research Skills: Students will be able to identify topics and formulate questions for productive inquiry; they will identify appropriate methods and sources for research and evaluate critically the sources they find; and they will use their chosen sources effectively in their own writing, citing all sources appropriately.
7. Oral communication skills: Students will demonstrate the skills needed to participate in a conversation that builds knowledge collaboratively: listening carefully and respectfully to others’ viewpoints; articulating their own ideas and questions clearly; and situating their own ideas in relation to other voices and ideas. Students will be able to prepare, organize, and deliver an engaging oral presentation.
8. Valuing literature, language, and imagination: Students will develop a passion for literature and language. They will appreciate literature’s ability to elicit feeling, cultivate the imagination, and call us to account as humans. They will cultivate their capacity to judge the aesthetic and ethical value of literary texts–and be able to articulate the standards behind their judgments. They will appreciate the expressive use of language as a fundamental and sustaining human activity, preparing for a life of learning as readers and writers.

Literature Element of the General University Requirement
Framing Language and Program Goals:

Literature courses in the Department of English offer students the opportunity to study influential writings from the British, American, and global Anglophone traditions. Courses may focus on a historical period, an issue or theme, a critical approach, or a literary genre. Literature provides imaginative and critical insights into all areas of human experience-war and peace, nature and culture, love and sexuality, selfhood and social identity, justice and atrocity, the sacred and the profane, the burdens of history and the dreams of the future. Learning to attend to the complexities of literary texts helps students become more active and critical readers, and the creative aspects of literary texts highlight the ability of the written word to elicit feeling, to cultivate an imaginative openness to others’ experiences, and to call us to account as humans. Studying literature at the college level encourages all PLU graduates to view the reading of challenging and imaginative texts as an essential and rewarding part of a life-long commitment to learning and growth.

GUR Element Description:

Literature: Literary study explores how writers from a vast array of cultural traditions have used the creative resources of language-in fiction, poetry, drama, and non-fiction prose-to explore the entire range of human experience. The practice of reading literary texts exercises the imagination, cultivates a capacity for understanding ambiguity and complexity, and instills a sensitivity to the diversities of human existence. Literary study builds skills of analytical and interpretive argument, helping students become creative and critical writers.

GUR Element Learning Outcomes

The English Department has developed the following learning objectives for 190 and 200-level literature courses. Students may also fulfill the Literature Element by taking a 300-level literature course, which, will include more advanced learning objectives in addition to those listed here. (Please refer to the English Department’s list of learning outcomes for majors): The student will:
1. Gain an introductory knowledge of the some of the issues explored in influential works of the English-language tradition, and of some of the stylistic strategies writers have used to explore those issues.
2. Read complex texts actively: recognize key passages; raise questions; appreciate complexity and ambiguity; comprehend the literal and figurative uses of language.
3. Appreciate literary form: recognize how form and structure shape a text’s meaning; appreciate how genre generates expectations and shapes meanings.
4. Interpret texts with an awareness of and curiosity for other viewpoints.
5. Practice writing as a process of motivated inquiry, engaging other writers’ ideas through the use of quotations, paraphrase, allusions and summary. Use sources well and cite them correctly.
6. Increase confidence in speaking publicly: articulate clear questions and ideas in class discussion; listen thoughtfully and respectfully to others’ ideas; and prepare, organize, and deliver engaging oral presentations.
7. Attend to a wider range of voices within and across cultures.
8. Enjoy the experience of reading challenging literature: appreciate literature’s ability to elicit feeling, cultivate the imagination, and call us to account as humans.

Alignment to the University ILOs:

University ILOs that align to this General Education element are:
• Knowledge base
• Critical Reflection
• Expression
• Interaction with others
• Valuing
• Multiple Frameworks
Approved April, 2009

Photo Name Education Designation Profile
Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras B.Ed,M.A,PhD Associate Professor View
Miss.Shamal Dattatray Murkar B.Ed,M.A,SET Assistant Professor View
Mr.Vitthal Gangaram Shinde B.Ed,M.A,SET Assistant Professor View
Mr.Ramjan Mahibub Sayyad M.A,SET Assistant Professor View
Mrs.SUMAIYA MATIN KAZI B.Ed,M.A,MPHIL,SET Assistant Professor View
Mr.Sanjeet Prabhakar Desai M.A,NET,SET Associate Professor View

Old Faculties

Photo Name Education Designation Profile
Mr.Georgin M T M.A,SET Assistant Professor View
SelectDigwijay Dadasaheb Dhere M.A,SET,NET Assistant Professor View
Dr.Santosh Abhimanyu Kadam PhD,MPHIL,M.A,B.A Assistant Professor View
Miss.Roshni Rajaram Chavan Assistant Professor View
Mr.Ramjan Mahibub Sayyad M.A,SET Assistant Professor View
Mrs.Roshni Rajaram Chavan SET,M.A Assistant Professor View
Mr.Digwijay Dadasaheb Dhere NET,SET,M.A Assistant Professor View
Achievements Reports
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 21-08-2024 College Level Felicitation of Meritorious students Secured IInd rank in B.A.I . University Exam View
2 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 21-09-2024 College Level Mehendi competition First rank in mehendi competition organized on the occasion of Karmaveer jayanti View
3 Mrs.SUMAIYA MATIN KAZI 23-09-2024 University Level One Day Workshop Shri Shahu Chatrapti Mahavidyalaya, Kolhapur had arranged one day workshop on "Revised Syllabus of B.A. Part-1 English - AEC, OE and SEC" which was sponsored by Shivaji University, Kolhapur. View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 23-12-2023 International Faculty Development Programme ONE WEEK INTERNATIONAL FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME on Pedagogy of English View
2 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 21-01-2024 International Professional Development Programme INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME on Current Trebds and Research in English Language Teaching View
3 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 31-01-2024 International Multidisciplinary International Journal Publication Paper Publication Crtificate View
4 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 13-02-2024 National One Week Faculty Development Programme on Development of Careers in Higher Education in India in 21st Century View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 08-07-2022 International Rotary Membership Certificate Accorded the membership of Rotary Club of Karveer, Kolhapur View
2 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 12-08-2022 National Bharat Ratna Dr.B.R .AmbedkarNational Educational Award 2022 Excellence Award Award Dr.Vishakha Social Welfare Foundation Nayional Youth Awardees Federation of India organized the ceremony at Maharashtra Sadan New Delhi Received an award at the auspicious hands of Shri Randas Athawle ,Governer of MizoramA.R.Kolhli View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 07-06-2021 National Online FDP on Blended Learing and Pedagogical Techniques View
2 Miss.Shamal Dattatray Murkar 28-01-2022 State SET exam Qualified View
3 Dr.Santosh Abhimanyu Kadam 20-04-2022 National The Effect of Hindi and Marathi languages on the World Participation Certificate View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 27-06-2020 National Faculty Development Programme One Week Faculty Development Programme on Development of Careers in Higher Education in India in 21st Century View
2 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 20-10-2020 National 4th Human Rights Award Brilliant Assistant Professor of English Award View
3 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 24-01-2021 State Pakhre-G Arogya Seva Ratna Puraskaar Pakhre-G Arogya Seva Ratna Puraskaar View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 04-01-2020 State Savitribai phule Puraskaar Savitribai phule Puraskaar given on 4th Jan 2020 at Khanawdi,pune at the hands of Divisional Commissioner .Nashik Mr. Mahesh Zhagde View
2 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 17-05-2020 National Faculty Development Programme Online FDP on Learning Pedagogy and Effective use of Case Methodology View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
Students Achievements Reports
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Shafa Harchikar 21-08-2024 College Level Felicitation of Meritorious Students Secured Ist rank in B.A .I University Exam View
2 Shraddha Kamble 21-08-2024 College Level Felicitation if Meritorious student Secured 3rd rank in M.A.Part 2 University exam View
3 Neetu Nadar 21-08-2024 College Level Felicitation of meritorious students Secured 1st rank in M.A.II University Exam View
4 Sabrin Nadaf 21-08-2024 College Level Felicitation of meritorious students Secured 3rd rank in BA.III University Exam View
5 Sandip Patil 21-08-2024 College Level Felicitation of Meritorious Students Secures 3rd rank in M.A.I University Exam View
6 Preeti kembale 21-08-2024 College Level Felicitation of merutorious students Secured 2nd rank in B.A.I university Exam View
7 Rojnin jamadar 21-09-2024 College Level Mehendi competition Second rank in mehendi competition organised on the occasion of Karmaveer Jayanti View
8 Mehendi Bepari 21-09-2024 College Level Mehendi competition Third rank in mehendi competition organised on the occasion of Karmaveer Jayanti View
9 Neetu Mol.V. 24-09-2024 University Level University 1st Rank Secured 1st rank in Shivaji University M.A Examination 2023-24 View
10 Neetu Mol.V. 24-09-2024 University Level University 1st Rank Secured 1st rank in Shivaji University M.A Examination 2023-24 View
11 Santosh Gavali 24-09-2024 University Level 10th Rank in Shivaji University Exam Secured 10th rank in Shivaji University merit list of M.A.2023-25 View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Prathamesh D.Deshmukh 09-09-2023 College Level A Crash Course in Zlife Skills Completed course in life skills organized by Department of English during 4th sep. to 9th Sep. View
2 Sabreen Nadaf 14-03-2024 College Level Best Student Award Best Student Award of the year 23-24 View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Prathmesh Deshmukh 06-09-2022 University Level One Day Workshop on Youth Festival activities Participation in One Day Workshop on Youth Festival activities View
2 Sunny Dinde 26-11-2022 College Level Second Rank in Poster Presentation in College Level Avishkar Competition Secured Second Rank in Poster Presentation in College Level Avishkar Competition organized by Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu College, Kolhapur. View
3 Prathmesh Deshmukh 06-02-2023 University Level One Day Workshop on Youth Festival activities Participation One Day Workshop on Youth Festival activities organized by KIT Engineering College. View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Rubina Bashir Mulla 30-12-2021 National UGC NET Qualification Rubina Bashir Mulla from the Department of English cracked UGCNET Exam on 30th December 2021 View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Mulla Rubina Bashir 31-12-2019 National UGC NET English View
2 Harshraj Mane 29-01-2020 College Level Intellectual Property Rights : Issues and Challenges Participation Deshbhakt Ratnappa College of Commerce organised one day workshop on Intellectual Property Rights : Issues and Challenges View
3 Utkarsh Alman 08-03-2020 Other Photography Studio Set up his own Zen Photography Studio View
4 Utkarsh Alman 08-03-2020 Other Photography Studio Set up his own Zen Photography Studio View
5 Raviraj Kamble 09-03-2020 Other Live &Karaoke Songing Started his own singing band Sadajay Music View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Harshraj Mane 04-10-2018 College Level Certificate Course in Journalism Completed Certificate Course in Journalism organized by Rajarshi Chhtarapati Shahu College, Kolhapur. View
2 Harshraj Mane 08-01-2019 College Level One Day Workshop on ' Skill of Storytelling' Rajarshi Chhatrapati Shahu College, Kolhapur organized one Day Workshop on Skill of Storytelling. View
3 Harshraj Mane 01-03-2019 State Attended Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp Maharashtra Center for Entrepreneurship Development organized Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp View
Sr.No Name Date Type Title Description Report
1 Rubina Bashir Mulla 12-03-2018 University Level Shivaji Univrsity Merit Scholarship Rubina Bashir Mulla from the Department of English is the recipient of Shivaji Universiy Merit Scholarship 2018 View
2 Rubina Bashir Mulla 18-03-2018 University Level Shivaji University Merit list Rubina Bashi Mulla from the Department of English secured 4th rank in Shivaji University B.AIII Examination held in March 2018. View
Research Publications
Sr.No Name Date Publication Type Level Title Link
1 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 26-07-2024 Journals International Joirnal of Research and Development View
Sr.No Name Date Publication Type Level Title Link
1 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 20-03-2024 Conference\Proceedings International Sanshodhak ustav UGC Care Listed International Journal View
Sr.No Name Date Publication Type Level Title Link
Sr.No Name Date Publication Type Level Title Link
1 Mrs.Roshni Rajaram Chavan 08-03-2022 Conference\Proceedings International International Journal of advanced and applied research View
2 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 08-03-2022 Conference\Proceedings International International Journal of Advance and Applied Research View
3 Dr.Santosh Abhimanyu Kadam 04-04-2022 Journals National International journal of Advance &Applied Research IJAAR View
4 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 08-03-2022 Conference\Proceedings International International Journal of Advance and Applied Research View
5 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 05-12-2021 Conference\Proceedings International International Journal of Advance and Applied Research View
6 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 05-04-2022 Conference\Proceedings International Vidyawarta International Refreeed Journal View
Sr.No Name Date Publication Type Level Title Link
Sr.No Name Date Publication Type Level Title Link
1 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 26-01-2020 Conference or Proceedings National Rajashi Shahuna Samjun Ghetana View
2 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 12-02-2020 Journals International Our Heritage View
3 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 10-12-2019 Conference\Proceedings International Research Journey Multidisciplinary E Research Journal View
Sr.No Name Date Publication Type Level Title Link
1 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 10-02-2019 Conference\Proceedings International Arahat Multidisciplinary International Education Research Journal View
Sr.No Name Date Publication Type Level Title Link
1 Mr.Georgin M T 10-03-2018 Paper Presentation National Reality Identified with the plight of Womanhood: An Ecofeminist Reading of Sara Joseph's Gift in Green View
2 Mr.Georgin M T 20-11-2017 Paper Presentation National Resisting the Dystopian Future: The Scope of Rewilding Theory in Ecocriticism View
3 Dr.Sabiha Asif Faras 15-12-2017 Conference or Proceedings International International Journal of Multifaceted and Multilingual studies View
Sr.No Name of Faculty/Student Project Title Funding Agencies Sanctioned Amount Status Type
2 Kamble Shradda Chandrashekar SUBJUGATION OF WOMEN IN MANJULA PADMANABHAN’S LIGHTS OUT: A FEMINIST STUDY” Department 2000.00 Completed Minor
Activities Reports
Sr.No Date Type Title Report
1 01-08-2024 College Independence Day Special Wallpaper Issue View
2 05-09-2024 College Teacher'sDay Celebration View
3 21-09-2024 College Mehendi Competition View
Sr.No Date Type Title Report
1 15-08-2023 Departmental Winged Worde Wallpaper Volume View
2 21-08-2023 College Poster Exhibition on the famous English short story writers View
3 25-08-2023 College Group Discussion Activity View
4 04-09-2023 College A CRASH COURSE IN LIFE SKILLS View
5 16-09-2023 College MEHENDI COMPETITION View
6 06-12-2023 Departmental M A Part I SUK Library Visit View
7 27-12-2023 National Investor Awareness Programs , NSE Academy View
8 01-01-2024 College Role play activity 2023-24 View
9 10-02-2024 College Role Play as an Experiential Learning Method View
Sr.No Date Type Title Report
1 22-08-2022 Department Level Vertical Teaching Session View
2 27-08-2022 College Level IQAC and Department of English jointly organized One Day Workshop on 'National Education Policy 2020' View
3 06-10-2022 College Level BOSCH BRODGE COURSE Inauguration &Kits Distribution Function View
4 03-11-2022 Departmental University Library Visit View
5 03-11-2022 Departmental University Library Visit View
6 07-11-2022 Departmental Crash Course in Soft Skills and Personality Development Notice View
7 07-11-2022 Departmental Crash Course in Soft Skills and Personality Development View
8 07-11-2022 Departmental Crash Course in Soft Skills and Personality Development Schedule View
9 10-11-2022 College Guest Lecture - Dr. Ashwini Tatugade Crash Course " Soft Skills and Personality Development" View
10 15-11-2022 College Crash Course In Soft Skills And Personality Development View
11 15-12-2022 Departmental Bosch Course Completion Report View
Sr.No Date Type Title Report
1 16-06-2021 College A Guest Lecture on "Romantic Criticism" View
2 07-09-2021 National BOSCH CARE GIVER PROGRAMME View
3 30-11-2021 National Constitutional Day Awareness Programme View
4 11-12-2021 Department Level Poster Exhibition on Famous Literary Figures (Organized by the Department of English) View
5 18-12-2021 Department Level Poetry Recitation Session Organized by the Department of English on 18th Dec 2021 View
6 21-12-2021 Department Level University Library Study Visit (Organized by the Department of English) View
7 31-12-2021 Department Level Student Teaching Session of BA-III SPL. Students at Korgaonkar High School (Organized by Department of English) View
8 24-01-2022 College Level Women Empowerment Cell organized Online Guest Lecture on Constitutional Laws for Women and Child on the Occasion of "National Girl Child Day" View
9 15-03-2022 International International conference on Recent Advances in Social Sciences, Commerce and Management held on 15th March, 2022 View
10 17-03-2022 National Dept. of English organizes One Day Online National Conference on Language, Literature and Culture (NCLLC-2022) on 4th April 2022 View
11 04-04-2022 National National Conference on Language Literature and Culture (NCLLC-2022) organized by Dept. of English on 4th April, 2022 View
12 11-04-2022 Department Level Poetry Recitation Session organized at "Kavi Katta" by the Department of English on 11th April 2022 at 8.20 am View
13 11-04-2022 Department Level Role Play Activity for BA-I Organized by Dept. of English View
14 21-04-2022 Department Level Project Presentation Session (B C S III) View
15 19-05-2022 College Level TCS Campus to Corporate Transition Course Inaugural Function by Department of English View
Sr.No Date Type Title Report
1 09-07-2020 Department Level Department of English Organized National Webinar on "Subaltern Narratives: Theory and Practice in Literature" View
2 22-10-2020 College A Guest Lecture on " What is Literature" View
3 06-11-2020 College Distribution of Clothes View
4 09-11-2020 College Poster Presentation View
5 26-11-2020 National Constitutional Day Online Quiz Programme View
6 10-01-2021 College A Guest Lecture on " Practical Criticism" View
7 15-02-2021 College Spoken English Course and Bosh Bridge Course View
Sr.No Date Type Title Report
1 28-08-2019 Department Level Inauguration of Movie Club View
2 01-09-2019 Departmental Inauguration of short term course in Communication Skills View
3 09-09-2019 Department Level Study Visit to the Br. Khardekar Library Shivaji University Kolhapur View
4 13-09-2019 Departmental Screening of the movie View
5 17-09-2019 Departmental Course Completion Report - Communication Skills View
6 19-09-2019 Departmental Environment Awareness Program with Sociology Department View
7 04-12-2019 Department Level Book Donation Activity View
8 20-12-2019 Department Level Group Discussion Activity View
9 21-12-2019 Departmental Story Telling Competition View
10 17-01-2020 Department Level Interactive Session with Department Alumnus under Wisdom Wizard View
11 17-01-2020 Departmental Interactive session with Departmental Alumnus under Wisdom Wizard View
12 18-01-2020 Department Level Guest Lecture View
Sr.No Date Type Title Report
1 07-08-2018 Departmental Study Visit to the Br. Khardekar Library Shivaji University Kolhapur View
2 01-09-2018 Departmental One Day Workshop on Research Methodology View
3 12-01-2019 Departmental Group Discussion Activity View
4 02-02-2019 Departmental Commencement of Language Lab class View
5 06-04-2019 Departmental Study Visit to the Br. Khardekar Library Shivaji University Kolhapur View
Sr.No Date Type Title Report
1 05-08-2017 Department Level Group Discussion View
2 25-10-2017 Department Level Classroom Seminar View
3 18-12-2017 Departmental Poetry Recitation Session View
Sr.No Name Company/Organisation Postion/Designation Contact
1 Dr. Satyajeet Kosambi Sathye College Mumbai Assistant Professor 9850442285
2 Mr. Prasenjit Kosambi Kalanjali Music Institute Music Coach 9850442285
3 Patil Akshay Shivaji Maharashtra Police Police Sub Inspector 7276714566
4 Kurane Sanket Nishikant Assistant Professor Kankawali College Kankawali 9765662423
5 Jambhale Darshna Mahesh Zilla Parishad Hospital Nurse 9423444902
6 Wagh Shyam Shivaji Bajaj Alianz Computer operator 8888158886
7 Jadhav Deepak Vikram Junor Clerk Shivaji University Kolhapur 9620367835
8 Priyanka Shivaji Patil Maharashtra Police Police Constable 9174987493
9 Dr. Abhijeet Kosambi Kalanjali Music Institute Playback Singer 9850442285
10 Kasabe Rohit Pandurang Ice cream parlor Self Employed 7030834798
11 Akshay Laxman Sutar Cofroge SLK Kolhapur Computer computer 9518738204
12 Raviraj Kisan Kambale Sadajay Music Company Singer 7558394382
13 Rubina Bashir Mulla Assistant Professor Gopal Krushna Gokhale College Kolhapur 9767995454
14 Rahul Dilipkumar Kasabekar cofroge SLK Kolhapur Junior Clerk 8999370311
15 Prasenjeet Rajvardhan Kosambi Artist Playback Singer 9082033597
16 Abhijeet Rajvardhan Kosambi Artist Playback Singer 9850442285
17 Satyajeet Rajvardhan Kosambi College Professor, Mumbai 9422014751

Yearwise List
Sr.No Year List
Year Course Name File
2021 BOSCH Care Giver Course View
2019-20 BOSCH BRIDGE Course View
2020-21 BOSCH BRIDGE Course View
2017-2018 Career Oriented Course in Translation and Communication Skills 2017-18 View
2018-19 Short Term Course in English Communication Skills of Vidya Prabodhini View
2019-20 Short Term Course in English Communication Skills of Vidya Prabodhini View
2021-22 Short Term Course in English Communication Skills of Vidya Prabodhini View
2022-2023 Short Term Course in English Communication Skills of Vidya Prabodhini View
2023 - 2024 TCS Campus To Corporate Course View
2023-2024 A Short Term in English Communication Skills of Vidya Prabodhini View
2023-2024 A Short Term in English Communication Skills of Vidya Prabodhini View
Year File
2017 2022 View
2017 - 2022 View
Old Question Papers
Sr.No Paper No Semister File
1 English for Communication Semister I View
2 English for Communication Semister I View
3 English for Business Communication Semister I View
4 English for Communication Semister I View
Sr.No Paper No Semister File
1 Paper C-7 Drama in English up to 19th Century Semister III View
2 English For Business Communication Semister III View
3 Partition Literature IV Semister III View
4 Partition Literature IV Semister III View
Sr.No Paper No Semister File
1 English Novel Semister V View
2 English Novel Semister V View
3 English Novel Semister V View
4 English Drama Semister V View
5 English For Communication Semister V View
6 English Poetry Semister V View
7 English Novel Semister V View
8 Language and Linguistic Semister V View
9 Introduction to Literary Criticism Semister V View
10 English novel Semister V View

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